domingo, octubre 24, 2004

back in the internet cafe..

what a home this place is turning out to be
ok so i now have some friends...including fran, i now i have about five! how exciting!
am beginng to find my actual feet here instead of my visitor´s feet..its a lovely feeling....
i also now have some writing paper, so far off friends shall soon be receiving the writings that otherwise would have been put on here.....but for now.....things are good. i still don´t have a job, but i am so convinced that waiting another few days or whatever is the right thing, that i shouldn´t just go and get a bar job or go and hand out flyers at the metro station. i just know that teaching is what i´m about right now, and i´ve trained and worked to get here to do that, obviously among other things, but being finally ready and also qualified to do it i am content to wait for the opportunity. well maybe not content, since i have no money, but at least peaceful that its the right thing.
have been thinking about maine road and the good old rainy days there....soggy cigarettes and coffees in the yard, my wonderful bed, the lovely fireplace in my room painted by catelin on a roll........but also the comfort of being in the house, which so felt like a fortress what with all the mayhem going on around its the noise and the activity encroaches right on in..there is no quiet here. i havne´t got to sleep before four in a while. the music the shouting the laughing....all of which are not bad things but i hate that there is no escape from them here. sure, not all parts of the city are like this, but my barrio is a zoo
so i´m a lot more peaceful than i was last week. i am having sweet, sweet times with god and just knowing him more often than not, to be right there, right here.....and right for me
gotta run
love x

domingo, octubre 10, 2004


well my goodness i´ve actually had a bored day in barcelona today...! i know, i know, ungrateful wretch that i am...but when you don´t have very many friends yet...its quite tricky

ok so good in the old town, its pretty flippin good...the noisiest place i´ve ever tried to get to sleep in, but its also very funny and poor and lively and sad and bored people and drug-selling people everywhere...lots of very loud music and well, come see for yourself.

so life is good, sometimes full, sometimes not so much. trying to find work is not fun, but mostly everything else is.
i´m re-acclimatising to spanish people..they sure are odd. they really stare at you, its most unnerving...
god is good, very near these days, very calming, like he´s just waiting to see...well,i´m not sure. just feel like he´s being very patient with me
its hard to know where to begin with life here.
but i´m figuring it out piece by piece. will keep you posted