martes, enero 30, 2007

more grace, less speed..

i suck at my job today.
i realise that sitting here spending all of four minutes doesn't improve that fact, but its true and i wanted to say it.
when people push me, like want more than we are usually prepared to offer in the line of furniture, clothes, food, whatever, the general wisdom is that there is no general wisdom, no rules, no regulations, you go with what that person needs and what their individually dire circumstances happen to be that day.
what i have realised today is that probably over the last three months or so, i have back-pedalled from that in my head, to thoughts of, no, you'll have what you're given, or things similarly awful.
i am horrified at myself for my reluctance to be nice.
i feel constantly that people are taking the piss out of us, out of me, and i hear myself saying no alot more than i hear anyone else saying it.
its probably a necessary stage in the learning how to deal with the poor crash course i stupidly signed myself up for by taking on this job, but i just wish for this afternoon that i could be nice again.

lunes, enero 29, 2007

reverse phiosophy..

this post is most definitely in the "who knew" category.
(please see below)
since june 2005, when claire b (then h) and myself went to see stoney in cardiff (we were both living at our homes in the west country at the time, nothing so drastically committed as going all that way from manchester and london!). we saw them, they were ace, had a chat with jon after, and watched some random band who stoney were supporting, and then looked at eachother and agreed they were shit, so went home. about three months later that very same band were the firs ever to have an album do brilliantly because of downloads and word of mouth and generally avoiding the man.
since that welsh summer evening i have stood my ground with my original decision, and bar slight allowances for maybe one song, have declared them to be shit.

but today, having curiously decided to put the album onto my phone and dedicate my morning to journey about town to investigating it, i concluded that i need to confess my stupidity
the arctic monkeys are good...
they're really good...

so the other hundreds of things that i have used my perverse philosophy of "if that many people like it, it can't be good" on, include...
corrine bailey rae
24 (well and truly over it)
star wars
kaiser chiefs
harry potter (thanks tim for getting me past that one early on!)
ray le montagne (over it..thanks drago..)
camera phones (what a knob!)
oasis (except b-sides, generally crap)
my space (still not over that one, although this facebook business is clearly of the same ilk..)
football (hoping not to get over that one..)
big brother (lynch me if i do)

i could go on...
so i am getting over being a snob about things, hurts!

miércoles, enero 24, 2007


is probably not quite so enjoyable as nightswimming, and yet i seem to have developed a certain love of it...
it involves doing not much for most of your evening. nothing, at all, preferably, just mooching, pottering or sitting.
and then finally, at around nine, half-nine, you find yourself putting some washing on...and cleaning up the kitchen after the chaos created by making dinner has sat there for a couple of hours..including about two-to-three rounds of washing-up, with necessary dryings-up in between...its all getting a bit out of hand at this point, as you find yourself enjoying it...john mayer is accompanying, and the occasional cigarette provides a welcome break..and then you might think about putting all your clean clothes away, sorting laundry, and maybe putting up a picture or two...and then it seems that the bin in the kitchen needs to be emptied..and no, it can't wait til won't want to do it tomorrow, and you know that, deep you do it now...its pushing half-ten at this stage, and you know there is a slight chance that bin-mongering at this hour may well either arouse the suspicion of your neighbours, or in the worst case scenario, wake them up...but you toddle off down all those stairs anyway, seizing that bin-emptying moment for all its worth..and then bath-cleaning, mirror-polishing, dressing-table-re-organising and cooker-top scrubbing are all still on offer....and hard to resist, when the hair is already tied back, the clothes already quite dishevelled, and the night yet young...

needless to say, i missed the book at bedtime, only getting to bed when today at westminster had already started - oops....
but my house is clean, really clean...
do come round..x

lunes, enero 22, 2007

any answers...

a great woman once asked - what is it that makes community break down and fail individuals....?- and then invited discussion.

i found myself with a wry grin on my face..only of the slight variety, as i thought back over the years of church-as-family..the crying and the eating and the babysitting and the hilltops and the movie-watching and bible-reading and tea-making and going-out-dancing and the frankly just getting on with things

and i thought, i wouldn't change it for the world....sure, there's more - more sharing, more truth-telling, more babies on the way, more friends to be made and more lives to be lead....
but as the poem says, -even with all its sham and drudgery and broken dreams- community really is a wonderful thing, when your heart's in it.

and when it isn't? i hear you ponder, quietly...
well dears, when it (one's heart) isn't in it, it still must be somewhere...your heart isn't capable of being nowhere.....its the wellspring, and sometimes we redirect it, as per the free will clause, and after time, find that we've allowed it to spring up in the murky caves of isolation, or in the puddle-reflected brightlights of fast-moving careers, or in the seabed of the wrong person, or in an island we never expected to call home, or in a lakeside life that is, frankly, dull..... we get to choose. and sometimes we choose to unchoose what we've chosen, but one thing that i really think is this..
more often than not, we are the cause of our being failed by community. i have "been failed" by community at, and being honest here, only at, the times when i've let my own wellspring bubble up in the grey, motionless lake of self-pity. it goes like this..i feel no-one loves me - so i don't ask for love - so when its offered i'm out of the habit of accepting it - so i forget its even available - then i get to forgetting i want it - then i forget i physically can't get by without it - then around this point god usually steps up and drags the wellspring kicking and screaming back to its preferred home at the estuary of hope, where life is open, and can go in all directions, but at all times springs from a place that allows for possibility, for mistakes and upsets, for the -oooooh, interestings- of life....

this place, for me, is in community. i love the family that god has gifted me with here, and although i sometimes neglect or belittle or misrepresent it, when i'm not doing those things, i try to hold it like a fragile glass while still washing it up, or like a small bird that wants to fly but really needs a splint putting on its leg, or like poppy hughes who wants to stand up so badly that she forgot to hold on to the really hurt....! sorry i wasn't quick enough pops...

in a way that for me is scarily reminiscent of the tie that binds me to jesus, the ties of community are built of beautifully fragile stuff...human love...and all its pulsing and frothing and dumbing down and boxing in and forgetfulness and time spent apart...

but the tie that binds me to jesus is not this. not for his part. for his part it is built of the finest web, oaklike roots and heaven's own cable-ties. he cannot let go of me, its not an option for him. when i re-route my own wellspring, (and yes i realise i'm lighting far too many metaphor fires here to possibly be able to keep them all going..!) it is not his fault. but sometimes i blame him. other times i re-route it, i blame people around me, but it is not their fault either. yet every time, because of the years passed and meals shared and truths-owned, they forgive me and take me back. and so does he. i now have a tear or two in my eye as i consider this life that he has created for me, and i cannot thank him enough. it amazes me that i can know charis and lucy, and becca, and matt and fran, and caleb and sal and joshua and oh my did i ever get to here....? its because people taught me about jesus in the spring and summer of 2000, and the winters of the four following years, and in the summer of 2006....months and seasons gone, choc-a-block with learning of jesus together, and persisting in love.

i need a cup of tea now...x

domingo, enero 21, 2007

passtimes: an observation..

no-one has hobbies anymore
its true. if its not true, no-one calls them hobbies, so its still actually true...
people just do things, they just get on with them, and those things seem to be more incorporated into the rest of their lives than hobbies used to be.
its just an observation. i never promised it would be good!

viernes, enero 19, 2007

anerchiadau chan gwrymiau

am in wales...!
the above is a welsh salutation, in a ..haha, i'm in wales..kind of way...
chez hugs, am content..with a coffee, the remains of a large glass of red wine, delicious dinner a short while ago, and sal, jon and ellie around, chatting away, talking wales, work, coffee, babies, cafés and relocating to the country...
a fine, fine way to spend a friday au fin du ever so glad to be here.
with love, from windy wales, and all present...x

jueves, enero 18, 2007

beggars belief
and, to accompany that, one of the best things you could spend a day or two reading..

lunes, enero 15, 2007

sunday kitchen..

is there a happier, more content man in the world than rolf harris?
seriously, i ask you....
on sunday, two wonderful things happened..
1) i made stew. i have never made stew before, i have never even bought the kind of beef that one buys in order to make stew before. but make stew i did, and may i say (i'm hoping sal will appear at some point to back me up...) it was the nicest food i have ever made. i shall be making more...
2) i watched, while the stew was doing that slow, sunday cooking thing and i was having a sly g+t, a programme that basically showed you why rolf harris is the happiest man in the world. i was amazed. the man has literally gone about creating this life for himself where he gets to do all the things he loves doing, and call it work. he has gone from music to art and animals and australia to england and back round them all again, being endlessly enthused and grin-inducingly animated. my dad is kind of like that, gets very enthused...he kind of looks like him too....maybe that's why i love the guy even though he's kind of wierd and a bit past it...! anyway rolf's cartoon club fascinated me as a child, seeing from ten lines on a bit of paper suddenly a giraffe or a cat or a zebra....what fun! kids tv is shit now, but that was pure and genius.
rolf, i salute thee, old man!
i had such a lovely manchester weekend..cate's on friday with pizza and wine....we are so classy....russell and dc and farewells to her for the next while as she's off to the man once more....and my new jason mraz cds finally came, all the way from amewica..! then le samedi i saw the gils for lunch and the wenhams for dinner, while ensconced in (gasp - not pw, surely!!) harry potter and the (still the best one..) prisoner of azkeban (sp?). a very enjoyable watch, although did anyone ever do more pre-empting and questioning and surmising during a film than those was very fun....! the chicken a la grainy mustard was a right treat too,....colsossians with eggs and denno on dimanche au matin....generally a good week for food in my house....!hurrah!
i'm telling you, never was a weekend of non-events so quietly enjoyable..

viernes, enero 12, 2007

genesis one..

i am so so enjoying bible study chez knox on a thursday night...
ray, the other doing his bible lecture thing on the webbernet, and is a vastly intelligent and ever-so-english old man, who i think is hilarious....we listen to him ramble on and after 45 minutes say, "so, to genesis one..."
i haven't enjoyed sitting around to talk about the bible this much since the old soloman grundy mondays with gribbo, and it is large part due to the fact that we are learning to differ gracefully.....
a few years ago, it felt like we were all playing to keep up with the thinking on such-and-such...or, well, if they all think it....or got to concede that such a person will always know more about ---than me.......but now, i think we have been grown to be more gracious to eachother in the small but significant ways that we disagree about the point where i think we are now much more willing to learn from eachother in humbleness than we are eager to be right, and publicly so...
i love my jesus family here, truly, and this for me is a thoroughly of-the-lord weekly family time together.....gracias a todo....!

viernes, enero 05, 2007

Daily Meditation for January 5, 2007

The following was written by Henri Nouwen (the Morning Dose of Henri awaits many of us these days I'm sure, in our inboxes, grinning away at us, saying read, read...! and here's is today's deserved to be shared..)


Living the Moment to the Fullest

Patience is a hard discipline. It is not just waiting until something happens over which we have no control: the arrival of the bus, the end of the rain, the return of a friend, the resolution of a conflict. Patience is not a waiting passivity until someone else does something. Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the moment, to taste the here and now, to be where we are. When we are impatient we try to get away from where we are. We behave as if the real thing will happen tomorrow, later and somewhere else. Let's be patient and trust that the treasure we look for is hidden in the ground on which we stand.
(get your own, here...)

jueves, enero 04, 2007


jesus, i have no doubt, is the smartest man who ever lived. not because he invented things, although i'm sure he had a hand in creation somewhere....! but because he did the best thing for the kingdom at all times. and that means the best thing for all of us in the end. i should say that's the very definition of smart.
what i don't get is, how with so many christians living on the earth right now, each one with their own unique piece of the perspective puzzzle, that once fitted together would surely mean jesus could be seen and known.......even with all that.....and so much grace flying around....and such all-reaching methods of communicating news and ideas....and such access to the political arena.......and a holy spirit gagging to be let out into the world through our inconsistent kindness and broken bravery........even after all that has been afforded us in the here, now and present, this is still the state of things.......

CrisisWatch N°41
2 January 2007

Ten actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated in December 2006, according to the new issue of CrisisWatch,* released today.

In Somalia, full-scale war erupted between the Council of Somali Islamic Courts and the Ethiopian-backed Transitional Federal Government, with fighting estimated to have killed hundreds of people and displaced tens of thousands. In Darfur, the humanitarian and security situation deteriorated while international negotiations continued over the deployment of a strengthened peacekeeping force.

The Occupied Territories saw their worst factional clashes in a decade as Fatah and Hamas battled over the formation of a unity government. Tensions over Iran's nuclear program rose after the UN Security Council voted unanimously to impose sanctions.

The sudden death of Turkmenistan's authoritarian leader, Saparmurat Niyazov, prompted fears of a destabilising struggle to fill the power vacuum left behind. In Fiji, the government of Laisenia Qarase was deposed by military commander Frank Bainimarama in a bloodless coup. The situation also deteriorated in the Basque Country, Bolivia, Egypt and Kyrgyzstan.

One situation showed improvement in December. In Guinea, supporters of President Conte and the opposition reached consensus on conditions for organising legislative elections in June 2007.

For January 2007, CrisisWatch identifies Lebanon as a Conflict Risk Alert, or situation at particular risk of new or significantly escalated conflict in the coming month. A Conflict Resolution Opportunity is identified for Uganda.


Deteriorated Situations
Basque Country (Spain), Bolivia, Egypt, Fiji, Iran, Israel/Occupied Territories, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkmenistan

Improved Situations

Unchanged Situations
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Chechnya (Russia), Colombia, Comoros Islands, Côte d'Ivoire, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Georgia, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, India (non-Kashmir), Kashmir, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Liberia, Macedonia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Moldova, Myanmar/Burma, Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan), Nepal, Nigeria, North Caucasus (non-Chechnya), North Korea, Northern Ireland (UK), Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somaliland (Somalia), Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan Strait, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Western Sahara, Zimbabwe


Conflict Resolution Opportunity

Conflict Risk Alerts

miércoles, enero 03, 2007

lost properly...?

a new year's plea...
do anyone have, or have any clues as to the whereabouts of, my...

in books...
shadow of the wind by carlos ruis zafon
the end of poverty by jeffrey sachs
development as freedom by amartya sen
various harry potter books
various dr.angelou books

microserfs by the lovely doug

in music...
old low light by kathryn williams
in between dreams by jack johnson
double 100 hours cd of their two old ones revisited..
killers hot fuss

in dvd...
garden state
high fidelity
reality bites

and oui, oui, before the clamour begins, i am aware that i have....
lou's time-traveller's wife...
lou's bride stripped bare
knoxes' stronger than my heart

george's stuart
penny's iron..and ironing board...and multichef...!

ok, fine i can't remember any more, i'm sure the remainders will come hurtling in...! go easy....