martes, agosto 23, 2005

wise words..

so this guy at my work just said to me while we were each smoking our cutters outside..
"you need a kick up the ass girl"
i think he's right
i want to write, he wants me to write, we've both been doing the magazine stuff, and he thinks it something i need to be looking into actually doing instead of just whittering on about
i like people like that

4 comentarios:

na dijo...

i wonder who was the last person to ever actually get a kick up the ass in order to spur them along...?
i've just arrived at work and bananarama are on on the office radio...
the day looms long..

Anónimo dijo...

i kicked my mum yesterday, kinda near her ass. it was an accident but we were play fighting (i hear it is still ok to do so in your mid fifties?!) but a word of warning with the whole ass-kicking thing - it ended up in mum and i having a huge argument til 2am cos she called me viscious and told me she feared that i may snap in my new job!! i thought, humph, there are kids involved. anyways, i took it all very much to heart as i felt it was outside the normal parameters of witty banter and i could't decide her tone. thus ensued much shouting and tears too. we made up and concluded that all jokes on that level are now banned between us until we know eachother better and are therefore able to understand humour!! i concluded that my mum is a freak but i kept that to least for now that is!

hope the music at work picks up xxx

Anónimo dijo...

ok, with the essay-length commenting going on, does anyeone else think its time livington had a blog all of her own?! i think she's ready.please submit name suggestions...

Anónimo dijo...
