miércoles, enero 03, 2007

lost properly...?

a new year's plea...
do anyone have, or have any clues as to the whereabouts of, my...

in books...
shadow of the wind by carlos ruis zafon
the end of poverty by jeffrey sachs
development as freedom by amartya sen
various harry potter books
various dr.angelou books

microserfs by the lovely doug

in music...
old low light by kathryn williams
in between dreams by jack johnson
double 100 hours cd of their two old ones revisited..
killers hot fuss

in dvd...
garden state
high fidelity
reality bites

and oui, oui, before the clamour begins, i am aware that i have....
lou's time-traveller's wife...
lou's bride stripped bare
knoxes' stronger than my heart

george's stuart
penny's iron..and ironing board...and multichef...!

ok, fine i can't remember any more, i'm sure the remainders will come hurtling in...! go easy....

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

ok, let the book amnesty commence...

i'll swap you your Amartya Sen book for one or several of my CS Lewis books?!

fair trade or what? i guess we;ll do swapsies when i'm next north or you're next south...neither of us will make it to post them, too much hassle...thought i had better own up though!

liv x

na dijo...

cs lewis you say...well, i had half-expected to hear from eton college library about those puppies.....since they're not actually yours, are they miss...?!
you're a shocker, trying to lure me into trading stolen goods with you!
i see, don't think i don't see....

Becca dijo...

Errr...hands up, I am a culprit!

One Maya Angelou, well-read, single lady owner....will return shortly.

Good juice yesterday, very healthy...shame about all the wine and chocolate later - whoops! :)
