martes, marzo 06, 2007

spring comes to narnia..

look..! just look... this is where my brother shall be wed, in august.. and a few weeks ago it looked like this: mais maintenant, it looks like this:it really is a bit like narnia, see..

mumma and mr tumnus!!

4 comentarios:

Sproggy dijo...

oooohh...a place like narnia....i wanna go there.....for sure...
btw i like your new anna-photo
if you wanna lift to sals drinks tomorrow im hoping to go
catch you soon my dove
pigface x

The Hughesz dijo...

What an intriguing place! Is it an actual chapel or is it a folly? Love places like that... Have you seen Great Expectations (the Ethan Hawke & Gwyneth Paltrow one?)... reminds me a bit of that

Anónimo dijo...

Hey! Us Pienaars went there with the Knoxes last year .. is it down in / near the Cotswolds somewhere?

na dijo...

it sure is sugar! in the beautiful jammy dodgers to go there before even i..!