miércoles, enero 09, 2008

history repeating..

so i was given a book for christmas, which i know for a fact sat on a shelf,  a vivid and terrible temptation to the giver, for about six weeks before the day of its giving...for it is a tantalizing prospect...the history of britain in 'impartial' narrative..the impartiality is brought about by the cunning means of sarcasm and childish humour. it really does nearly work! its awesome. the guy wrote the book for people who weren't paying attention in history class at school. it turns out there really isn't another time in your life that you can readily get a history education, if you didn't happen to be listening in in second-year juniors when they were harping on about tudors, vikings and whatnot.....and so this book takes you through whatever's been going on in this fabled isle whether you've known about it or not...and its ace!! 
so, an impartial history of britain..read it..get an education..laugh...hop on!!

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