martes, febrero 05, 2008

am now purely six word thinker

so this morning on the -today- programme they featured a book/a thought/a movement concerning -six word memoirs-

it began with hemingway....if you don't know the tale, it is thus:
our pal ernesto once made a bet, probably with some other literary, bar-propping-up type, that he could write a story in just six words.
-surely not?!- i hear you cry -it can't be done!-
well, it was done, and his story was this:
For Sale: Baby shoes - Never worn

he won the bet
it also nearly reduced me to tears!

the idea has translated into a book, via a us magazine invitiation extended to the public to write one's life-story in just six words. or a six word representation of you and your full story. and basically, throughout the course of the day, my mind has to one extent or another (depending on what else i am supposed to be doing at the time!) been somewhat consumed with the notion.

all i have come up with so far are the following, neither of which fully satisfies me but which i will own to you just now for the sake of learning to air one's ideas when not yet perfected!!

raised catholic - found the escape hatch!
the art of pottering: pleasurable utility

i challenge you, my friends, to look upon this and feed your six-word imagination!

ps: journal update: all out of literary juices today (six words, see...?!)

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