jueves, febrero 07, 2008


i had a bit of rage earlier
i had to do some pretty fierce negotiating with some people at work, i also got cross about something that made me cross, and i was also feeling harrangued. and frustrated. and a bit caged. and, well, you know....its february....
so as lunch time drew near i knew that i needed the air of outside rather than the air of inside.

and so i went for a small walk and admired once more my favourite building in manchester.....
isn't she a beauty?

i was calmed, and aired and breezed and therefore simply alright again.

ps: journal update: maybe i just need a nice new pen.......

3 comentarios:

Sproggy dijo...

so where exactly is this beauty of a building..looking at the font style on the road sign it looks like it should be in the northern quarter somewhere mayhaps..but you sneakily cut off the top of the street name in the bottom picture.....intruiging (i really can't spell that word!).

Sproggy dijo...

rats...i was hoping my previous comment was gonna be translated into spanish when i pressed the 'publicar comentario'...n'er mind! x

na dijo...

well penelope, its in the lovely ancoats, just round the corner from work...can't recall what the street's called - i didn't cut the name off on purpose i promise!xxxxxxxx