domingo, enero 16, 2005

the one remaining true gem..

contained in the maroon 5 album that hasn't bored me or gotten old, is the line in she will be loved that say this

its not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise that moves us along

what if its always one person doing the compromising?
i miss the butterflies and rainbows.
i miss knowing him, and knowing that he was enough.
i miss having a raised ear, ready to listen, always waiting for an answer, always asking a question, always telling my stories.
maybe we were never meant to have these kind of relationships with god anyway, the ones where intimacy is talked of, where two-way communication is no longer reserved for the mentally troubled, and where prayers are answered or if not, explainations for why not are forthcoming and therefore perseverance is building character.
what if, just in theory, god wasn't like that? what if we made it so he was like that? i know the vast majority of people, including most christians, actually believe he is nothing like that. to them he is static, immovable and silent........who's to say he can't just be left there?

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