viernes, julio 01, 2005

can you smell it...?!

there's something in the air....its anticipation i think, and the battle of cynicism vs idealism raging stronger than on most ordinary days..
i'm referring of course to the weekend that lies ahead, and the subsequent potential drama of just eight people sitting in a room for a few days talking about the poor countries of the world as if they were underacheiving schoolchidren.
i've been trying to figure out how that must be the premier of a small, poor but striving nation in the developing world..knowing that they are talking about you, weighing up the various merits and perils of giving you money that would save the lives of your citizens..but all the while looking at you and determining how far gone into seedy corruption you are..or maybe daydreaming about how corruptable you could be if you had something they wanted..imagine being talked about that way...
its rage isn't it..?

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