jueves, febrero 02, 2006

i should have married tom goode..

i have almost lost friends over how much i love the good life
truth is, i love things that grow, and things that are green, and things that are fresh and that smell like god just that minute made them
there are so many community gardens in manchester....my little thing that i am organishing for peaceweek, my little project, is the idea of peace being gained and sought in community parks and gardens in the middle of stinky moss side and rusholme and longsight.......
i'm excited about it, but i kind of feel like i need to get my own hands dirty if i'm really going to get it myself, and then be even more excited about it. one of the coolest people i know is louise, who i work with at the blood bank. she is a trained horticulture type, who dug for years professionally, and a few months ago cried because her garden spade broke one weekend and she'd had it for about 20 years. i want to love a garden spade.
i know, i know, you all know me, and i won't do it, and i'll harp on about it for a while but then once the actual activity comes along, i will not bother and the idea and the excitement will slope off, entirely beaten by the legendary laziness of na......
please, please, if you love me at all, make me do it.....remind me to plant something, learn something, go, when they invite me to a meeting of the friends of platt fields park....campaign the council for some money and a man to fix up the sorry excuse for a bit of a community garden on my street....buy me a trowel....then i'll have to do it...
do it do it do it
and then maybe i'll give up smoking.....

2 comentarios:

na dijo...

actually, you know what...yes. buy me garden implements and i will give up smoking.
seriously though..
never usually one to bow to public clamouring, i have decided that today is one of those days when i give up smoking.
and soon no dirnking and no talking.
fondest regards, mes amis..i'm off to rehab..

na dijo...

i just thought i'd quietly sneak this in..look a the date, its march 24th, and i havne't even so much as gone out the back door since writing this post...

what i guess i'm trying to say is, mock away my friends, you were/are entirely right to!!