viernes, febrero 16, 2007

the morning report...

me: you there?
this just in:
post-valentine's report
one minute ago anthony called and said that The Man has contacted him, knowing that anthony is involved in the whole thing, (he is anthony's friend) and said -who is she i am going to email her-

johnnyhaines: hello
I'm here now
I was moving my printer
the leg of the table nerly came off
it's a very poorly built table

me: uhoh

johnnyhaines: SO, he's going to email you but he doesn't know who you are?
is that right?

me: yeah
so he called anthony saying i'd like to know her name so i can email her
cos my email address, being as my email address doesn't really tell you what my name is
he got it
he got the book
i am so nervous

johnnyhaines: isn't it exciting though?

me: also my coffee is stupidly strong this morning, which isn't helping

johnnyhaines: I'm excited

me: me too
and scared

johnnyhaines: naturally
it's a bit like skateboarding

me: go on..

johnnyhaines: you're not sure if you'll make the trick but if you don't fully commit you know you certainly won't make it

me: true enough

johnnyhaines: however, you may not fall flat on you face if you do fully commit

me: again, true

johnnyhaines: it's the fear that mkes it fun

me: right
the fear is the fun
got it
it doesn't feel fun
but i see where you're going with it

johnnyhaines: no, it tends not to at the time
I think getting over the fear is the good bit
in the analogy that would be the part where you either land the trick or land on you head

johnnyhaines: the fear is strangely worse than the fall

me: really? ok
john you are wise indeed
we'll see if it turns out that any of this holds up as things unfold...!

johnnyhaines: I hope it does

me: john i am going to copy this onto my blog so i can update the poor people whom i have dealt several cryptic posts over the last few days, and who now dearly deserve an update...

johnnyhaines: ok
go to it

me: thanks

3 comentarios:

Sal dijo...

anna, truely a marvel, i'm excited too, here's to landing tricks and to falling flat on our arses, i love you a whole lot

Anónimo dijo...

excited fingers above these keys!!! i actually found the skater analogy pretty useful, so thanks Johnny...

who is Johnny Haines?

(sorry Mr Haines, i have been out of the Manchester loop a while now)


Sproggy dijo...

johnny haines...he's a very wise man....and a good skateboarder too i'll warrant....and he's married to a lovely lady called lorna. they are veribable gems.
here's to getting over fear.full stop.
love pigface x